Amazing Spaghetti

The Life, Loves, and Unadulterated Pathos of Joel Widdershins, Ph.D.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

So, here we are. Dang, somehow, I expected more. Kinda reminds me of how I felt upon waking up and realizing we had held our wedding the day before. Nothing really felt different, but I had an overwhelming sense that something should be different! So, I carried on as before, and hoped that whatever it was would catch up with me soon.

Had I known beforehand how things would turn out, I would have started running immediately and never looked back. But, alas, such is hindsight. There are things about that "marriage", if anything so brief can be called a marriage, that I still do not know for sure . (Like, for example, I basically have NO FRIGGING IDEA why she left me without even a word of goodbye or at least a parting "screw you.") I also basically have no idea why I'm sitting here now, some nine years later, thinking about all of this again.

It's not like I have been dwelling on this unfortunate occurrence for nine years. No, even though I admit that it did take me some long, tedious months to get over this, I basically never think about it now. I guess the reason must be that I've been reading my friend Penny's blog. Her blog ( is her intensely humorous reporting of her life and trials as a mother of some indeterminant (I'm just forgetful) number of wee laddies (whose shenanigans are a HOOT!).

Yes, it was awful, all things considered, being married to that woman. Oh, it had moments of utter bliss, but the ending was so sudden and so horrible that it has degraded the overall experience into a painful remembrance. Marriage number two was really no better, but, at least, thankfully, it was even more brief. Well, a little bit, anyway. No, I don't want to talk about it. Even to myself.

The Inspiration Fairy that had lit upon my shoulder, has now moved on to bigger and better things. *Sigh* So ..... "this is the only friend...."--J. Morrisson


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