Amazing Spaghetti

The Life, Loves, and Unadulterated Pathos of Joel Widdershins, Ph.D.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Okay, whew! I was afraid for a minute there that I wasn't going to be able to figure out how to put up another post! I'm sure glad puberty is over for me, but that fact does make computers somehow more inscrutable than they appear to be to our Youth.

A few words now, about our upcoming election in America: Ok, look, I'm not going to pull any punches here. Let's just tell it like it is for once: ALL DEMOCRATS ARE SELF-RIGHTEOUS, USELESS, LYING, THIEVING BUTTHOLES! This is no consolation to anyone, because ALL REPUBLICANS ARE MORALISTIC, PREACHY, MEDDLING, PEDANTIC BUTTHOLES.

This, unfortunately does not leave us with many choices. Every four years, we, the American people, go to the polls to decide whether we will be subject, for the four years to come, to thumbscrews or chinese water torture. It's like they say to us: "Excuse me, Sir, but would you prefer to be disembowelled with this big, jagged sword, or have your brains blown out by this blunderbuss? There is no right answer, because DEAD is DEAD is DEAD. And that's they way it feels, come the following January 20th. The only time, I guess, when we can really enjoy our country is during those brief days between the election of a new president, and his inauguration. I wish, just once, we could have that time fall in the summer, instead of late fall to mid-winter. If the weather was good, I'll just bet there would be some PARTAYYYYS! whoo hooo!! We have no real president! yayy!!

Here endeth the first day's second blog instalment.


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