Amazing Spaghetti

The Life, Loves, and Unadulterated Pathos of Joel Widdershins, Ph.D.

Monday, November 13, 2006

I so don't want to talk about the recent election results that it is not EVEN funny. Yep, closet republican here. I wish the Dem(ogogue) party well. though, and pray that they govern us well beyond even their own ridiculously inflated expectations and hopes. If the result was an injustice, well that would be one thing. But the reality is quite another. Too many republicans have been playing fast and loose with morality issues while claiming to be so morally superior, and it finally caught up with them. Shame on them, anyway.

Here at work I'm Head Goulash Mixer. Yep, all day. Every day. Mix the friggin' goulash. Taste the friggin' goulash. Mix the friggin' goulash some mo. Then, my helper, Guido, pours the goulash into big boot-shaped molds and we bake it. Guess what we get? GOULASHES!! get it? goulash? galoshes? isn't that a total scream!? haha*sigh* ok, maybe not....

Anyway, I was taking a break after mixing up a fresh batch of goulash, and I sauntered out to our workshop are to talk to our production manager. He's also our "grounds-guru" in charge of the physical facilities here, and, as such, one thing he does is take care of arranging trash pick-up for our dumpster. It seems that we've been having a bit of a situation lately with someone going dumpster diving. We've got a sign on the dumpster that informs people that messing with our trash is, legally, trespassing, and, besides all that, it just plain really hacks us off! So, I asked, why should we care if some nimrod wants to jump off in our dumpster and pretend it's his bathtub? The answer, I learned, is that we're not so irritated that they're in the thing, but. rather, that they have a disturbing tendency to strew the contents of the dumpster around on the ground and generally make a total mess of things. I mean, what a jerk!

And why, oh why would someone even think for a moment that he might find something worth keeping in a dumpster? Ok, I did learn that sometimes we throw away perfectly good teddy bears. It seems that lots and lots of people donate teddy bears to us, and, after awhile, we have accumulated enough teddy bears to last a few lifetimes for every child that we have ever heard of. So, to free up storage space, sometimes a load of teddy bears has to be dumped. Doesn't make good sense to me. Looks like they could be packed up and shipped off to kids somewhere, in Mississippi, or Africa, or SOMEwhere! But, no, I was told, we just have too many anyway. And the organizations that we know of that could give the teddy bears to sick kids, or something, apparently have a strict policy of only providing brand new, pristine teddy bears, which policy would eliminate about 99.9% of any such ursines that fell into our possession. Maybe I should pick out a couple and send them to John Kerry? Bet that bastard could use a hug about now.


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