Amazing Spaghetti

The Life, Loves, and Unadulterated Pathos of Joel Widdershins, Ph.D.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Howdy, folks! Yep, ol' Witch Doctor Joel here, wishing you a jagged needle in the eyeball of your worst enemy (as long as it's not me! :-D ). So I have been falling down on the old blog job of late. There's a reason, but it may not be just really airtight. I forgot my password, ya see. "So why didn't you immediately get a new password?" you ask? I kept thinking that it'd come back to me sooner or later, and then I forgot again. :-(

How many in the class have ever played D&D? How many have ever HEARD of D&D? Anyone, anyone? Or maybe y'all are of the opinion that everyone who plays D&D is a devil-worshipping, longhaired, unwashed heathen? Well, that's just wrong, I think. [Joel snifs under his arms] YEP, it's wrong on ALL counts!! (I just had to check the one I wasn't sure about.) Back in the DAY, your ol' pal Joel and his best bud got together and created a D&D game that we DM'ed together. It was fun, but after a year or so it kinda came to a natural end when we graduated from high school. Well, me and said Bud have again been cooking up some new, improved mischief! We've now been working on our new fantasy milieu since about last September. Needless to say, we've achieved quite a high degree of detail and depth. We have, like, a buttload of non-player characters made up, named, and detailed. I mean, we have enough to populate a small village!

If you care about this at all, you might want to go to and see for yourself just what I mean.



Blogger Penny Karma, aka the F-Bomb Mom said...

YAY! Glad you're back... and thank you for the legal advice. I hope you won't be billing me, because I can't afford it.

4:05 PM  
Blogger Joel Widdershins said...

You're very welcome! No, I won't charge you. If I charged someone for legal advice regarding the law of a state where I'm not licensed it would not be a good thing. Hey, the advice may be right, and, like I said you may have some weird show me laws, so it might not be worth much.

7:32 PM  
Blogger Ed said...

D&D when I was 12 was OK. But now it's elder scrolls 4 and all the expansion packs I can lay my hands on, it's also a better frustration relief valve.

Forgot you password?!

9:18 PM  
Blogger Joel Widdershins said...

So, ed, where exactly do you find a gravitational acccelleration of 8.21 m/s/s?? We earthlings have gotten used to our 9.81 m/s/s. And I've never heard of Elder Scrolls before! Care to enlighten me, please?

1:54 PM  
Blogger Joel Widdershins said...

Oh, yeah, and I did forget my x#@!$%^&* password again. There's more to that story, but it's wayy to embarrassing to tell! :P

1:56 PM  

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