Amazing Spaghetti

The Life, Loves, and Unadulterated Pathos of Joel Widdershins, Ph.D.

Friday, June 08, 2007

Ok, so we have one dude in the class who's owned up to being a gamer. I'm not sure I've ever even heard of "Elder Scrolls," so please enlighten us all, Ed? Personally, as disgusting as some of these new variants to DND are, overall, it's hard to beat the original! We're about 4 or 5 days away from taking character submissions for, and the excitement is building! So warm up those dice and send us a character! We are in DIRE need of some good characters! Truthfully, what would just tickle me the most would be if we could receive about 5 or 6 more characters, 3 wizards, 1 fighter, and 2 clerics. So far, no one in the limited group that we have is playing a wizard, and I am very, very disappointed by that. I had such cool plans and npcs just waiting for all of our wizards! boo hoo hoo.


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