Amazing Spaghetti

The Life, Loves, and Unadulterated Pathos of Joel Widdershins, Ph.D.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Apologies, Gentle Readers, for my extended absence and utter neglect of this blog.  I have had many major life changes since my last post.  I lost one job, endured a rather extended period of unemployment, found a new, very different job, and am now acclimated fully to my new work environment.

I have also neglected my duties as gamemaster of my various games, and I have utterly neglected to further my guitar practice in the interim.  But, on the good side, I'm doing exceptionally well at my new job, and I've already received my first raise.  I miss my douchebag former employer not one whit!  They had made some rumblings about continuing to use my services as an independent goulsash-chef at times and consistencies of their own choosing, of course, but I tore that contract up and flung it back in their homely faces.  No, I'm not really sorry, either.

This will be a truncated post while I try to re-vitalize my blogging from a dead standstill.  I hope I am successful!


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